The establishment of a Student Development Council and Welfare gives students an opportunity to acquire the sort of communication, planning and organizational skills which will benefit them in honing their personality and professional conduct. It enables students to take responsibility for projects, and to demonstrate that they can manage and bring such projects to successful conclusion. Moreover, the contribution made by a Student Council and Welfare to the development of college policy in a number of areas can have significant benefits for students and the college. College policies are far more likely to be successful where they are clearly understood and accepted by all partners within the community. At the end of the day, a Student Council will succeed only if students themselves are committed to the concept and to making it to work.



The SDC shall be governed by a set its own objectives, which may broadly be as here under:

  • To enhance communication among students, faculty and management.
  • To promote an environment conducive to their educational and personal development.
  • To promote professionalism and respect for other students, faculty and general public.
  • To support the management and faculty in the development of the college.
  • To represent the views of the students on matters of general concern to them.

The Student Council and Welfare shall be responsible for: Working with faculty, management and fellow students

  • Communicating and consulting with fellow students in the college Involving as many students as possible in the activities of the Council Planning and managing the Council’s scheduled activities for the year
  • Managing and accounting for any funds raised by the Council Planning and Managing the Work
  • While all have a part to play in the activities of the Council, not all can or need to be involved in organizing the work.
  • It is for this reason that the Council should appoint representatives or coordinators.

Every Student Council and Welfare shall appoint the necessary functionaries as listed above.

Technical Head
Event Supervisor
Event Dy. Supervisor
Sports Supervisor (Boys)
Sports Supervisor (Girls)



Rather than trying to plan and organize every activity during the year, the Student Council and Welfare may use subcommittees to plan and oversee specific activities of the council. Sub committees should be required to submit their plan to the Council for approval and should report back to the Council on their activities. Their names are:

Dance Society
Fine Arts Society
Singing Society
Quiz Society
Dramatics Society
Nature Society
Film making Society
Photography Society
Sports Society

The role of the Functionaries

President: The President is responsible for presiding over meetings of the Council and delegate responsibilities to every member .The President may also be designated to represent the Council at meetings with management.
Vice-President: The Vice-President are responsible for assisting the President, and when the President is absent from a meeting he/she assumes the role of the President for that meeting.
Secretary: The Secretary also keeps a record of Council meetings and events. The Secretary along with Event Coordinators will be responsible for planning and conducting cultural events.
Sports Coordinators: They will be responsible for all sports activities.

The Treasurer is responsible for managing funds raised by the SDC and should keep complete account of all income and expenditure of the Council. Advice and assistance in this regard may be provided by faculty. The Treasurer should provide the Council with a complete financial report at the end of the college year. Given the responsibility of the post, a Student Council and Welfare may reasonably require the Treasurer to be a senior student. It is the responsibility of the treasurer to obtain and maintain all documents from the outgoing treasurer. As a general rule, any payments made by the Treasurer should be countersigned or endorsed by president or secretary of the Council or a faculty designated for this purpose.


Procedure of Formation of SDC

  • All the student office bearers are the nominated posts.
  • The nomination is self-nomination and nomination by teachers.
  • The nominations are provided an opportunity to present themselves, followed by elections.
  • The candidates go through the process of election and votes are counted, followed by this is the selection by Director and teachers to elect the candidates as Student Council committee Members.
  • Appropriate gender balance in the Council shall be given priority.

1. All the bonafide students on the rolls of the institution are eligible to be Nominated.
2. Candidate should not have any academic arrears in the year of nomination .
3. The candidate shall not have been subjected to any disciplinary action by the Institute authorities.
4.For the post of President and Vice-President candidate should have been a member of previous year SDC.